Confession: I can’t remember the last time I had a cup of tea. From the self-proclaimed tea lover/freak, this is nothing short of hypocrisy.
Fortunately, I have some reasons for my abandoning my “happy habit.” Blame it on my recent move to New York:
1) Too quote Cole Porter, “It’s too darn hot!” Who wants a cup of boiling hot water a la herbs when you wake up sweating and gasping for cold water? Ok, it’s not that bad, but I’m not rushing to the kitchen for a cup of tea when I wake up in the morning. My morning cup of “Irish Breakfast Tea” from good old Trader Joe’s just sounds so nice on one of those frigid San Francisco mornings. But not in muggy, sticky, semi-tropical New York. Yes, I could have iced tea, but that just doesn’t do the trick. $2.10 for a glorified cup of ice water does not satisfy this lady.
2) We don’t have a teapot? What? Yes, you heard me right……no tea pot. I asked my roommate the other day, and she quickly replied, “We’re coffee drinkers.” All right. I guess that means I need to go buy one. Or, boil water in small pot. Which is wasteful. And doesn’t heat it to the right temperature. Call me picky, but with my tea, it must be done right.
3) I’ve been drinking coffee. Iced Coffee.
It just does the trick. I can’t keep up in the city that never sleeps with a minimal caffeine buzz. Give me the works! Iced coffee with a little bit of hazelnut and a drop of milk does the trick. It’s cool, it’s refreshing and it makes my mind race like a schizophrenic. Awesome. Yes, it does make me bloated, and yes, I do know that those 10 extra calories from the three pumps of hazelnut sugar will eventually cause me to gain an extra 10 pounds over the course of 15 years. Not to mention the diabetes. Oh, but what a sweet way to get diabetes. At least I’ll be fully awake for the diagnosis.
I did, however, recently buy a beautiful box of White Pomegranate Tea from Trader Joe’s. I had every intention of making an antioxidant-rich cup of tea before work this morning, but alas, I was rushing out the door. What’s new?
It is a pretty box of tea…makes me look like a health nut. I feel healthier just staring at the box.
I need to get back on track. Maybe I need a tea buddy? Someone who will help wean me off this disgusting, demoralizing coffee addiction. Someone with a love for yoga, baked tofu, and meditation. Someone who likes to be still and know, all while sipping a cup of sugar-free, guilt-free holistic green tea.
Wait, I’m in the wrong city. Grab me a coffee. And don’t forget the cream and sugar.
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